Welcome to Digital Media at Millbrook High School!
Digital Media students are expected to:
Be in class on time.
Be prepared to receive instruction daily.
Possess the necessary tools/supplies.
Turn-in all assignments on time.
Behave in a manner conducive to learning for all.
Comply with the general school rules and WCPSS policies.
Food and drink are prohibited in the Lab. This is a safety issue, a housekeeping issue, and an electronics issue. Students will not be admitted to class with food or drinks.
Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones are a wonderful tool that have useful learning potential, but they are not to be (or become) a classroom distraction. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones out during my class.
Computer Policy: WCPSS computers are to be used only for assigned work. Computers in the Digital Media Lab are provided as tools for learning the curriculum. All other uses are prohibited. Students in violation of this policy are subject to having their computer privileges revoked.
Tardy Policy: Late students will not be admitted to class without a note/pass.
Assignments: Digital Media Classes are project based. Students will submit work as files via this website.
Late Work Policy: Late work will not be accepted except under the provisions of school and district policy (excused absences). Unless otherwise noted, all work is due by the end of class on the assigned turn-in date. Assignments are aligned with the curriculum. There will be no substitutions for missing/late assignments.
Make-up Work Policy: Make-up work will be submitted in accordance with school policy, and will be based upon curriculum learning objectives. Students wanting to obtain make-up work are responsible for notifying the instructor upon their return to class. Students will be afforded the same amount of time to complete make-up work as they would have received in class.
Test Make-up Policy: Students who miss a test or quiz due to illness or other excused absences should be prepared to take the test/quiz immediately upon their return to class.
Cheating, Copyright, Counterfeiting violations: Digital Media students are afforded an excellent opportunity to express themselves artistically. Student work is expected to be original. Any borrowed images and/or text are expected to credited properly. Improperly credited work will not be accepted for a grade.