Jazz Video Project

To get started in Premiere, you are going to create a music video that will help you learn some basic tools and features. You have been hired as a video editor by the Blues Festival. They want you to create a video using still images that will promote Jazz music. The images should change on the beat of the song. Download all of the files on the right.
Listen to the jazz music and take notice of the constant beat. You will have a new jazz image appear at each one of these music beats. Go on-line and find images that relate to jazz. Count the beats of the song to determine how many images you will need. Editing video to the beat of music is a basic skill that is used in all levels of video production. Remember to adjust scale and position on each image so that it fills the entire screen.
As you work, save your project as a Premiere Project file (.PRPROJ) and name it last name +first initial + jazz. Export the media using the H.264 encoder and the Apple TV 480p setting with the same name (ex: pettywjazz.MP4). Submit the exported file using the form below. Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements!
Camera Techniques

A quick way to tell if a video production is of professional quality or done by an amateur is the use of proper shot composition and camera movement techniques. In this project, you will learn about each type of shot and get practice collecting each one. You will be using the on-board camera of your phone and will be paired up with one of your classmates.
After the class has gone over the common shot compositions and camera movements, find a partner. You will be working in groups of two for this project. As a team, decide on a theme for your video that will incorporate all the camera shots and movements. Using the on-board camera of your phone, collect an example of each technique we learned in class.
3rd Nine Weeks Test
A day = March 27 2019
B day = March 28 2019