Advanced Digital Media
This course will focus on concepts and application/execution of skills using 3 projects per quarter. Projects will be intensive, immersive, and challenging. Each project will be graded on technical skill demonstration, creativity, time management, and knowledge base.
Students will create eleven projects during this course, and attempt to certify in at least one adobe product. Eight of the projects are mandated in scope and time. The remaining three projects are a matter of student choice. The goal being to afford the student creative freedom.
Course Syllabus
Knowledge Base
First Nine Weeks
Project 1 (Graphics)

Personal Logo Creation - Use Illustrator and Photoshop to create a personal logo. Your logo must be original, must have at least 2 colors (other than black and white), and must incorporate obvious advanced editing techniques (lecture notes). Use the "resources" button at left to help you create your logo design.
You will use the Graphic Planning Document to complete your work, and post and submit each requirement to both your website and The Google Classroom. Unit 1 includes four elements: Thumbnail, Product, Artist Statement, and Unit Test.
Remember: Late work is not accepted. Be aware of deadlines, and submit what you have on time. All deadlines are final. Make-up work will be reviewed on a case by case basis and will only be allowed for excused absences.
Artist Statement Scaffold
Project 2 (Graphics)

State Fair Poster - Use one of the following styles to create a 18”x24” poster in accordance with the State Fair rules/Guidelines: Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Cubism, Psychedelic. Student must choose and declare style before work begins.
This is an Illustrator project, however, the student may use Photoshop to color/effect the original Illustrator art work.
This project is challenging. Students face a solid deadline. With only 15 hours of class time, this project requires that a student plan their work and work their plan. The official rules state that the entry should “focus on a competition at the fair”. The example to the left conforms to the rules for the teacher competition completed in an Art Nouveau style.
State Fair
Logo (rev)
State Fair Rubric
Adobe InDesign

Student Choice projects are designed to allow students to pursue media that interest them.
Students may complete a graphic, animation, audio, video, or *web design project. Students who choose a web design project must create an element for their websites (Graphic, Animation, Audio or video) that is independent of the website template. This project should clearly demonstrate that it was a challenging experience. Students should be prepared to outline the processes used in the creation of their work (verbally or written).
Students may choose a project form the list at left as a basis/substitute for this project.
All student choice projects must be pre-approved by the teacher. The Project Intention form should be submitted by the beginning of the third class meeting.
Artist Statement
Project 3 (Graphics)

InDesign Trifold Project.
Action Script Animation
Second Quarter
Action Script 2

Animation - Animate
Essential Standard - 203, 204
Essential Question:
How do you create an animated interactive game?
How do you use Action Script?
To use the tools of Adobe Animate to create a flappy bird type of interactive game.
You have been hired as a game designer to design a basic interactive video game using basic Action Script. They want you to create a game similar to flappy bird where a player will move through obstacles.
You are to follow the directions given by the project manager for the target audience to complete the project. Once complete then you should review the checklist for grading criteria before turning in your work.
You will be creating an interactive game using Photoshop and Animate. You will create a Player object, an Obstacle, and Background in Photoshop. You CAN NOT just use images you find online!.
Save your work as last name+first initial+flappygame as an fla file. Export as a SWF file of the same name. Submit only the SWF file in the digital drop box. Place a copy in your Portfolio folder as well.
Project 3 Text on Fire
Laser Text

Photoshop Creative Challenge
Click on the image at left to register for the Adobe Photoshop Creative Challenge. Each day Adobe puts-out a challenging project. This is a great way to increase your graphics skills.
NCDOT Contest
Third Quarter
Project 5 (Student Choice)
Due April 1, 2020
Student Choice projects are designed to allow students to pursue media that interest them.
Students may complete a graphic, animation, audio, video, or *web design project. Students who choose a web design project must create an element for their websites (Graphic, Animation, Audio or video) that is independent of the website template. This project should clearly demonstrate that it was a challenging experience. Students should be prepared to outline the processes used in the creation of their work (verbally or written).
Students are encouraged to use the links at left to assist them in completing this project.
All student choice projects must be pre-approved by the teacher. The Project Intention form should be submitted by the beginning of the third class meeting.
Artist Statement
Showcase Night - April 11, 2019
Project 6 (Student Choice)
Student Choice projects are designed to allow students to pursue media that interest them.
Students may complete a graphic, animation, audio, video, or *web design project. Students who choose a web design project must create an element for their websites (Graphic, Animation, Audio or video) that is independent of the website template. This project should clearly demonstrate that it was a challenging experience. Students should be prepared to outline the processes used in the creation of their work (verbally or written).
Students are encouraged to use the links at left to assist them in completing this project.
General Rules:
- All work must be new, original artwork. You cannot use items from the internet.
All student choice projects must be pre-approved by the teacher. The Project Intention form should be submitted by the beginning of the third class meeting.
LATE WORK will not be accepted for this project. Students will submit what they have completed on the due date.
Artist Statement
Due Date: 12 May 2019